
Friday, December 2, 2011

Bau Terbaik Di Dunia Adalah Bau Badan Lelaki Yang Anda Sayang... Suami Anda Lah...

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Black Swan 2


Pic snapped before we left for our Tuan Pengarah's house in Seremban attending his daughter's wedding...on 3 April 2010

Mirror Mirror In The Car...

snapped my own pic on my own

Dalam toilet pun jadi...

we snapped our own photo in the one of the airports (cant remember which)

Which airport?

Pic snapped at one the airports in Malaysia...on our way to the ladies...we saw that Wau Bulan on the wall, they caught our eyes...

Truly handsome!

Dont just touch my blog...and then GO..just like that....

Dont just touch my blog...and then GO..just like that....
Leave comment/s pls...


Best duduk sepital